Top 5 games


1. Final Fantasy 7 (PC, Playstation 1)

“It has been said countless times, and many fans of RPG will agree that final fantasy 7 is one of the best RPGs of all time – A true masterpiece”Final-Fantasy-7-VII

When I first got Final Fantasy 7 as a 10 year old kid I didn’t know what to expect. I was thrown into this unknown Cyber punk world world where “O” or circle as it was called on the ps1, was your action button!?I grew to learn that this was just the beginning of many surprises on an epic quest to save the plant from an evil corporation called “Shinra” Never have I played a game that has made me laugh and cry (AERIS!!!) If you are a fan of RPG and have not played this game yet and don’t mind playing PS1 graphics then I urge you to go and play this game right now!



2. Age of Empires 2 (PC, PS2) 

“AOE 2 is a timeless classic that still stands today as a great multi player strategy game”


If you are into your strategy games chances are you would have played one of the AOE games. I first played this back in 2000 when I was a 12 year old boy…. I still play it today as a 26 year old grown man!! admittedly I have not been playing this game solidly for 14 years, but I did rekindle my love for the game when it recently become available on Steam in a sale.02. Age Of Empires 2 - The Age Of Kings - Check Games 4U


3. Fez (PC, Xbox, Playstation) 

“You can hate Phill fish all you want, but just face it, you will never create anything like that in your life – Instead you waste your time insulting him”


I am a big supporter of Indie games and after watching indie game the movie I just had to buy Fez right away. Fez is a 2D platformer with a game mechanic which allows you to rotate the camera, opening up a 3D world. The idea is great and leads to some interesting puzzles. The pixel art style and music of the game is just beautiful, I enjoyed every minute of this game exploring and solving puzzles. A lot of the puzzles were very hard and left you thinking for a long time, but once you had finally completed the puzzle you would feel like einstein!download (1)images (3)images (2)

4. Day Z: Arma 2 Mod (PC Only)

“This game gives a vast variety of game play which is driven and created by the players who play DayZ”arma2-patch

Day Z: Arma 2 mod is a great simulation mod of Arma 2, where the world has been infested with zombies and it is up to you to decided if you want to help or loot others. It is a very interesting game, where anything can happen at any time. One minute you can be looting an army barracks finding some great guns, the next you’re running through a field trying to get away from some bandits shooting at you! 611c16b581dcab0bb144eec2e2a076852d06db211319234_91613666254732

5. BioShock. (PC, Xbox 360 and Playstation) 

“BioShock set a whole new standard for FPS games”


It was only until recently that I decided to play Bioshock and boy was I in for a treat! I’m not really a fan of single player FPS, I find then very linear, but Bioshock set a new standard for me. It was a wonderfully crafted underwater world with great game mechanics allowing you too gain many perks. It seemed that every hour or so you would have something new and interesting to play around with and kill enemies with.

Bioshock (12)bioshock-party-animal

3 thoughts on “Top 5 games

  1. You’ve got some good diversity in the games you play. Always a good attribute to have as a gamer in my eyes.

    My favorite from your list would have to be BioShock. Rapture is such an incredibly rich, yet dark world to get lost in. Plus, the kinked hand gesture when casting is the best.

    • Thank you, yes I think it’s important for gamers to check out as many games as possible, you never know what hidden gems are out there.

      Bioshock is one definitely my favourite fps and up there with my top 5. I’m not a bit fan of fps single player games, so it was an even bigger surprise for me 🙂 I got the bundle from steam so looking forward to starting bioshock 2 very soon.

      I hope to try and bring a top 5 or 10 every week in the topic of gaming.

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